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Physical Inorganic Chemistry

eBook - Reactions, Processes, and Applications

162,99 €
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Bibliographische Informationen
ISBN/EAN: 9780470602553
Sprache: Englisch
Seiten: 616 S., 14.16 MB
Auflage: 1. Auflage 2010
Format: PDF
Digitale Rechteverwaltung: Adobe DRM


This go-to text provides information and insight into physical inorganic chemistry essential to our understanding of chemical reactions on the molecular level. One of the only books in the field of inorganic physical chemistry with an emphasis on mechanisms, it features contributors at the forefront of research in their particular fields. This essential text discusses the latest developments in a number of topics currently among the most debated and researched in the world of chemistry, related to the future of solar energy, hydrogen energy, biorenewables, catalysis, environment, atmosphere, and human health.


ANDREJA BAKAC received her PhD in chemistry from the University of Zagreb. She is a Senior Scientist at the Ames National Laboratory and Adjunct Professor in the Chemistry Department at?Iowa State University. Among her many research interests are kinetics and mechanisms of inorganic and organometallic reactions, photochemistry, free-radical reactions, catalysis, and activation of dioxygen.


Preface ix

Contributors xi

1 Electron Transfer Reactions 1Ophir Snir and Ira A. Weinstock

2 Proton-Coupled Electron Transfer in Hydrogen and Hydride Transfer Reactions 39Shunichi Fukuzumi

3 Oxygen Atom Transfer 75Mahdi M. Abu-Omar

4 Mechanisms of Oxygen Binding and Activation at Transition Metal Centers 109Elena V. Rybak-Akimova

5 Activation of Molecular Hydrogen 189Gregory J. Kubas and Dennis Michael Heinekey

6 Activation of Carbon Dioxide 247Ferenc Joo

7 Chemistry of Bound Nitrogen Monoxide and Related Redox Species 281Jose A. Olabe

8 Ligand Substitution Dynamics in Metal Complexes 339Thomas W. Swaddle

9 Reactivity of Inorganic Radicals in Aqueous Solution 395David M. Stanbury

10 Organometallic Radicals: Thermodynamics, Kinetics, and Reaction Mechanisms 429Tamas Kegl, George C. Fortman, Manuel Temprado, and Carl D. Hoff

11 Metal-Mediated Carbon--Hydrogen Bond Activation 495Thomas Brent Gunnoe

12 Solar Photochemistry with Transition Metal Compounds Anchored to Semiconductor Surfaces 551Gerald J. Meyer

Index 589

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